Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Week Three Planning

2016 Term One Week Three Itinerary
Week B.   
59 days until the end of the term.  That’s 46 school days.  
Monday 15/2
Day Six.  Staff Briefing (am).  Farewell to Karen (pm).  Board of Trustees Meeting (pm)
Drinks and nibbles in the pm.  
Tuesday 16/2
Day Seven.  Maths and Social Science Meetings (am).  SLT Meeting (period two).  Year 9 Planning Meeting (pm).  NCEA Information Evening (pm)

Wednesday 17/2
Day Eight.  Staff Briefing (am).  Year Seven Camp at Dickies Flat (departs at 9am from the bus bay).  First Wednesday XPLORE sessions.  Year 7 & 8 Planning Meeting (pm)
Student Leaders on camp today.
Thursday 18/2
Day Nine.  Year Eight Teachers with Dean (am).  Year Seven Camp.  
House Leaders on camp today.
Friday 19/2
Day Nine.  Year Seven Camp returns today (due back at 2:30pm).  First XPLORE Friday programme.  

Things that can be done this week…
  • Update roll details to Sue.  Who are the students that haven’t returned?  Are there any incorrect addresses/phone numbers/ emails?
  • Academic Calendars – these should now all be in.  
  • First contact home.  Best practice is to make contact home with your classes – easy way is to use the kamar ‘letters’ section (if the emails are up to date then no cost.  Good to; introduce yourself, highlight the goals ahead for the year, offer your contact details (email) to open communication lines.
  • Setting up the kamar Markbook and ‘ticking’ the students into their standards (senior NCEA classes).  This way students will be able to see how many credits they have available this year.  


Food For Thought (linked to RTC #8. “Demonstrate in practice their knowledge and understanding of how ākonga learn”)…
“Contrary to popular belief, the brain is not designed for thinking.  It’s designed to save you from having to think, because the brain is actually not very good at thinking.  Thinking is slow and unreliable.  Nevertheless, people enjoy mental work if it is successful.  People like to solve problems, but not to work on unsolvable problems.  If school work is always just a bit too difficult for a student, it should be no surprise that she doesn’t like school much.”  Daniel T Willingham (2009)

n.b. Book available for staff to read.

The Five Best Classroom Managament Tips – Edutopia Website...

  1. Use a normal, natural voice,
  2. Speak only when the students are quiet and ready,
  3. Use hand and other non verbal communication,
  4. Address behaviour issues quickly and wisely,
  5. Always have a well designed and engaging lesson.
Rebecca Alber Edutopia

On The Horizon…
Next Week we have
  • Endorsement Celebration Night (Tuesday pm)
  • Year 9 – 13 Swimming Sports (Wednesday)
  • School Triathlon (Friday)
This post relates to RTC#8. "Demonstrate in practice their knowledge and understanding of how ākonga learn."  And ERO's School Evaluation Indicator - Domain Five : Professional Capability & Collective Capacity.