Sunday, December 14, 2014

Merry Christmas

Thanks For 2014 
Well this post makes the end of the 2014 academic year here at Waihi College.  This year has been a terrific learning experience for me as my first year in the role of Learning Leader here at the school.  I have tremendously enjoyed the experience.

I'd like to express my gratitude to the senior leadership team here at the College.  To Alistair for his open approachable leadership and encouragement in my work.  To Heather and Brendan for their support and encouragement over these three terms.

Here is the global years plan (as at mid December 2014) for next year.

I hope you all have a fantastic break, a festive Christmas with loved ones and we all return 2015 renewed and enthused for a great year ahead.

Cheers Justin.

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