Wednesday, February 11, 2015

NCEA Information Evening

NCEA 101 For Parents

Last night we had a successful evening for parents of students in year 11 - 13.  It was the first NCEA information evening in a while and there was a good turn out.

Here is a copy of the PowerPoint information that we went through with the parents.

There were plenty of questions about the ins and outs of the system.  However the primary message of the night was for parents to be actively involved in the academic progress of their children.  There was an overwhelming interest in knowing how their children are going.

Thanks to Brendan, Leon, Jo for all presenting.  And a special mention for Amy Fry who had her first outing in her role as 'Academic Leader' here at Waihi College.

This post is related to RTC #1. establish and maintain effective professional relationships focused on the learning and well-being of ākonga. 

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