Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Prime Minister Visit

John Key Comes to Waihi College

Today we had the surprise of hosting the Right Honorable John Key to Waihi College.  It is not often that a school gets to play host to the sitting Prime Minister.  After the recent weather the region turned on an excellent sunny day.

Mr Key was welcomed officially in a Year 7 - 10 assembly (and unofficially by anti-TPPA protesters) with a strong rendition of the national anthem.  Mr Cochrane introduced the Prime Minister to the junior school.  Mr Key presented information about life in political office, challenges of running a country and finished with engaging around the flag referendum.  He demonstrated his skills of persuasion by getting a significant number of students to change their minds about not changing the flag.  The Prime Minister was accompanied by local Member of Parliament for Coromandel Scott Simpson.

There were four students selected to ask Mr Key questions.  They were Khan Stevenson (Yr 10), Luke Barakat (Yr 9), Penny Croker (Yr 8) and Bess Humphreys (Yr 7).  The students displaying credible political nous for young students.
Mr Key with the student leaders.  

The official party moved through to the staffroom where Mr Key spent time with some student leaders, offering advice, answering questions, taking 'selfies' and even taking up the challenge of an arm wrestle from the head girl Kate Dunstall.

Mr Key, Mr Simpson and Mr Cochrane
presented the school calves unit by Mr Redwood.  

From there the final part of the visit was twenty minutes up at the College farm unit.  Mr Key spent time with seniors from the Urban Farming unit and juniors from the school calf club.  Needless to say that all of the delegation were suitably impressed with the quality of the education and what we get from our facilities here in Waihi.

This post relates to ERO's School Evaluation Indicators Domain 2 Leadership Condition for Equity and Excellence : "Leadership communicates and models clear and consistent social expectations to support teaching and learning."

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