Monday, September 22, 2014

DEEP Learning Programme

Discover, Enrichment, Essential, Passion
One of the areas of discussion on our senior planning retreat was the notion of using our Learning Advisory time in an alternative fashion. One of the more intriguing ideas from the Hauraki DP cluster trips to Auckland was the Mission Height Junior College's DEEP programme.

When I first heard of the DEEP programme I immediately thought of the 'elective' programme many schools currently use.  However as I understood more of the DEEP programme the more I could see that it had significant differences to electives.

Primarily the programme was presented as the "main reason students are passionate about their day at school".  That the combination of autonomy of learning, concentrated remedial learning, individualised attention and shared passions/interests were attainable without adversely impacting upon traditional curriculum coverage.

Here is the presentation I gave for morning PD this week.

This post relates to RTC #5. "show leadership that contributes to effective teaching and learning." 

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