Monday, September 8, 2014

Use Of Data - Education Review Office

ERO Feedback.

With the departure of ERO there were some good points to focus upon in our school practices.  One of the core areas they focussed upon was the use of data (formative and summative). Primarily they were most interested in how staff are using their data in directing the teaching to specific students (especially 'Priority Learners'). 

Here is the PowerPoint that I presented to staff on Tuesday morning.  (a copy can be found in the school shared drive under admin - then professional development - then staff presentations).

Here is a link to another post that I have done which uses my year nine maths class as the basis for questioning my own use of formative data.

Here is a link to the TKI online tool I refer to in the above PowerPoint.

This post relates to RTC #11. analyse and appropriately use assessment information, which has been gathered formally and informally

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