Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Class Numbers and Students Changing Classes

Managing Students into Classes.  

The following presentation was made to staff in recognition of the pressures of the new year.  Waihi College is working through a change in the demographic of students in the school.  

Our intention here is to let staff know that we understand where they're at and to explain how we've got to where we are and to explain the next steps.  

Much is made of the effects of class size.  Any experienced teacher knows that you can afford more time with students in a smaller class.  At Waihi College we've aimed primarily to get students into appropriate classes (for interest/talent/vocational direction) and then to manage the size (aiming to keep below 30).  

This post is related to RTC #7. "Promote a collaborative, inclusive and supportive learning environment part ii. foster trust, respect and cooperation with and among ākonga." And ERO's School Evaluation Indicators Domain 4 "Responsive curriculum, effective teaching and opportunity to learn - students have effective, sufficent and equitable opportunities to learn".

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