Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Kamar Letters and Emails

Communication With Home.

One of the core goals of a modern education system is to enable the overall support of our students learning.  Key to this is the communication with home (parents/caregivers).  This was the focus of our recent Professional Development.

This facet of modern education is a core focus for New Zealand schools.  This has been identified and advanced in materials from the Education Review Office - "Parents, families and whänau have a primary and ongoing influence on the development, learning, wellbeing and self-efficacy of children and young people. Schools and educators have a significant role in engaging and involving parents, families and whänau in learning and school activities to enable success for all students." (p.29)

Student learning at home is actively promoted - this is best achieved if the students parents are informed of the learning that is taking place in school.  

Here is the PowerPoint presentation in our staff meeting...

Kamar Letters March 2016 from WaihiCollege

This post is related to RTC #1. "Establish and maintain effective professional relationships focused on the learning and well-being of ākonga."  And ERO's School Evaluation Indicators Domain 3 "Educationally Powerful Connections and Relationships".

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