Monday, November 10, 2014

D.E.E.P. Staff Feedback Information

Jumping in the Deep End - Update
Thanks to all those staff who wrote up some feedback on the proposed D.E.E.P. programme for 2015. 

The consensus decision among the senior leadership team is that we will not roll out the programme for 2015 in entirety.  Rather we have taken on board the concern that we should endeavour to have greater detail and buy in from staff first.  

We are anticipating that we will trial the D.E.E.P. programme (in some format) for a term next year - but to use the time between now and then to better plan for it.  

Here is a copy of all the feedback from staff.  I've not edited these in anyway.  Most were anonymous.  


This post relates to RTC #6. conceptualise, plan and implement an appropriate learning programme 

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