Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Modern Learning Environments

Waihi College's New Block
You may be aware but we have just been granted by the MOE a little over $2 million to upgrade our classrooms here at Waihi College.  The intent is to replace the prefab buildings that make up P1 through to P10.  These will be replaced over two stages and replaced by two modern learning blocks.  
Modern learning environments are not actually that modern - the idea has come a long way from when we had the infamous 'Nelson Blocks' of the 70's.  

Here is a link to a post that I did when I visited Mission Heights Junior High in September with some photos of what they've created up there.  

Here are three videos on what the changing environment can do.  Although this is about an existing classroom not a new block it is a good watch.  

The first video is the set up of the situation.  Predominantly it made me realise that although P10 is an older prefabricated building in need of demolition - this guy had it harder (36 students in one classroom - ouch).  However when I watched I could see what looked very similar to the rectangle spaces we have here in New Zealand.  

The second video is about the transformation.  This is the one that made me think about my own space - especially made me think of when I started teaching and everything was in single desk rows.

The third video is the finished product.  The space was definitely an improvement and you can see that it is far more functional.  

So now as a member of staff you may not know if you're one of those who will be teaching in the new block when it is built.  But this is a good opportunity for you to consider the space you teach in currently.  Reflect upon the way that that space adds to the learning that is taking place.  Are there simple things that can be done to improve your learning space.  For example in that above videos the classroom was originally full of furnishings that had been accumulated over time - the space was cluttered and dysfunctional.  Clearing out space is a way to change that.  

This post relates to RTC # 7. promote a collaborative, inclusive and supportive learning environment

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