This week I had an opportunity to spend some time with Mark Skinner from the Board of Trustees. Mark is the father of two students here at Waihi College; Liam (year 9) and Tasmin (year 7). Mark is an accountant and is a partner/consultant at Waihi Accounting & Taxation Services.
History With Waihi College
Mark is a product of Waihi College himself and attended form form one to seven (as it they were known back then). He must have been a great student as he boasted that he never got a detention in his time here. That is a claim which may be disputed by Brent, Norm, or Jill as they were on staff when Mark was a student here. Also Mark started with Carlene on the same day as year 7's in the same homeroom D2 - in fact it was the same room that she teaches from.
Mark in the back row. |
Mark remembers his start here at Waihi College as "a bit daunting back then you just turned up on the same day."
Time On BOT
This is Mark's second year (first term) prior to his election he was involved as a parent as part of sport and action work. He describes his reason for standing as "I'm hands on and want to be involved in my students education."
Reflections On His Own Teachers
Marks main memory was that teachers connected with the kids really well. "They showed an interest. I had lots of great teachers. I enjoyed them when they were different I remember fifth form poetry we did Wilfred Owen (It is honorable to die for one country) I used this for school cert - I didn't think that I'd answer poetry section." He also recalls the climate and culture here at the college; "The school had a good feel everyone got on well. Teachers were involved in the community which was a big plus."
What Great Teaching Looks Like
For Mark he believes great teaching is about getting the best out of our students (done through connection with them). "Challenge the students to do their best. I think that not being solely academic focused is good social and sporting sides are just as important for our students going into the real world."
This post relates to RTC#1. "Establish and maintain effective professional relationships focused on the learning and well-being of ākonga i) engage in ethical, respectful, positive and collaborative professional relationships with: ākonga, teaching colleagues, support staff and other professionals, whānau and other carers of ākonga"
This post is the first in a series of posts that I will do focused on some non teaching key stakeholders and what Waihi College and quality teaching means to them.
did you notice he wasn't in school uniform?