Wednesday, March 25, 2015

ART Year 12's

ART Program The Next Steps

We have a new ART (Achievement, Retention and Transition) and Vocational Pathways coordinating supervisor assigned to us from MOE.  Her name is Dr Christine Pritchard and her role is to guide the programs we have in place for achieving 85% of our students getting Level Two.

Here is a timeline that I've created to try and illustrate the events that we'll put in around our students (those that we identify).  The mantra for the ART programme is the idea of working with the three N's (names/numbers/needs).

The intent at this stage of the year is to narrow down our year 12 cohort into those 25-35 students that we will assign individually to teachers (hoping for teachers to have a one to one relationship).  These teachers will mentor these year 12's through this year of schooling.  This is a too big of a job just for a dean or for the learning advisors - although they are key stakeholders too.  

This week we will be looking at our cohort and which students are in greatest need (remember that we're looking at the amber students (those on the margins of passing).  What I am hoping for is that for these students we will have one staff member each who will be able to engage with these students about their progress.

Green - Those students who will pass.
Amber - Those students that are on the margin.
Red - Those students that won't pass.

This post is related to RTC #1. "Establish and maintain effective professional relationships focused on the learning and well-being of ākonga." And RTC #7. "Promote a collaborative, inclusive and supportive learning environment part ii. foster trust, respect and cooperation with and among ākonga."

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