Sunday, March 29, 2015

How To Update Your OneNote Appraisal Documents

Hope that this helps...

This is a step by step tutorial to help you with getting the technology sorted.  I'm anticipating there are still some technophobes who it probably is best to come and see me for a couple of mins.

This video is about just copying and pasting from OneNote.  This is probably the easier of the ways to do this job (although you'll have the notes you've made from 2014 that will need overwriting).  

This is another video showing you step by step.  This one here is from the email that  your appraiser would have sent to you.  

This post was actually some PD for me as I used a new software called Open Boardcast Software.  It was actually pretty easy and I'd recommend it.  

This post relates to appraisal and tracking  your progress through the RTC's

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