Here are some case examples from the last 12 months from NZTC.
Here teachers have had to appear before the Tribunal to go through some issues around professional boundaries.
Here are some instances where you might want to discuss the 'greyness' of relationships with students...
- Going to the pub (not in school time) and there is a student (over 18) there. Is it ok for that student to buy the teacher a beer? Is it ok for the teacher to buy that student a beer?
- Socialising after hours. Say if there was a male staff member going for a training run with a student, just the two of them, in their weekend?
- Solo tutoring subject material male staff member female student?
- Social media (Facebook) staff ‘befriending’ students (setting such that they can see each other’s personal settings)?
- Staff who comment socially online about the social lives of students (such as discussion around their relationships)?
- Texting students personal mobiles after hours (late night texting about courses/assignments)?
This post is to do with RTC #1. "Establish and maintain effective professional relationships focused on the learning and well-being of ākonga." and RTC#2. "demonstrate commitment to promoting the well-being of all ākonga i. take all reasonable steps to provide and maintain a teaching and learning environment that is physically, socially, culturally and emotionally safe."
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