Monday, May 4, 2015

Secondary Teacher Study Awards

The Annual Study Awards

One of the key parts to the 'Vision' of the New Zealand Curriculum document is that our young people are "Lifelong learners" that they'll be "active seekers, users, and creators of knowledge".  This same challenge sits will us as teachers.

I have always thought that one of the very positive parts of working in the education sector is the opportunities we have in furthering our learning.  Every year the Ministry of Education (TeachNZ) offers three different types of study awards.  From now until the 8th of June applications are invited from teachers at NZ schools to consider taking on some individual study.  

The three study awards are...

  1. 75 Secondary Teachers' Study Award - this is study leave opportunity to study a qualification, undertake research, or obtain practical knowledge in an area related to your subject.
  2. 40 Sabbaticals - 10 weeks of full paid leave.  To be eligible you need to have 20 years teaching experience in NZ (including the last seven years), and intend on returning to teaching.  
  3. 100 Study Support Grants - these are for one year and provide cover for one class (0.16 FTTE) to study an area related to education/subject.  There is also $500 contribution to course costs.  
If you are considering applying for one of these three study awards you can find more information at the following web address (click here).

Karen Bryant was able to access one of these study grants to complete her recent study.  Speaking with Karen she is very grateful for that opportunity and would recommend this to those considering the option.  

This post relates to RTC #4. demonstrate commitment to ongoing professional learning and development of personal professional practice - iii. initiate learning opportunities to advance personal professional knowledge and skills. 

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