The Ministry of Education has invested a great deal of time and money into an online computer program that is designed to help teachers make more informed judgments about what level the students are operating in the curriculum. They call this program the PaCT which is Progress and Consistency Tool. (Click here to go to the website)
As part of yesterday's Teacher Only Day programme the Year 7 & 8 teachers (and Junior Maths teachers) were introduced to this tool. It was pleasing to see teachers become early adopters of this technology.
Some of the benefits of the PaCT system include...
- Automatic communication with Kamar - the two administration systems sync together.
- The individualised nature of PaCT where each student is individually judged.
- The multiple illustrated exemplars (with teacher-student dialogue) make for very clear indications of where in the spectrum students consistently sit.
- These illustrations become a good check point for staff to reflect upon the level of the class.
- The entire cohort data will be available to better allow for monitoring and planning around year levels.
This post relates to RTC #11. "Analyse and appropriately use assessment information, which has been gathered formally and informally - i. analyse assessment information to identify progress and ongoing learning needs of ākonga." And ERO's School Evaluation Indicators Domain 4 "Responsive Curriculum, Effective Teaching and Opportunity to Learn - Effective Assessment for learning."