Sunday, August 30, 2015

Year 10 Conference

Conference Flyer
Owning Your Future

Today our year ten students spent the day out of school at the Waihi Academy on conference.  This inaugural annual event is the brain child of Learning Leaders Jo Howell and Vicki Speirs.  The purpose here is to take a break from the regular routines of school life and present a days worth of workshops and keynote addresses from former Waihi College students.  

Introduction of Keynote
Year 10 was chosen as this represents a key age in adolescence where students have been through the institution of school but now viewing the world with increased maturity.  We have timed this conference to be just ahead of subject selection for the first year of NCEA Level One.    
Seven ex student leaders from previous years at Waihi College made the presentations and keynote address (which was given by Adrian Holmes).  

Those students included...
  1. Adrian Holmes (class of 2003)
  2. Anna O'Hagen (class or 2008)
  3. Samanatha Sanderson (class of 2011)
  4. Tina Youngman (class of 2001)
  5. Natasha Staheli-Lowe (class of 2012)
  6. Jack Kingsford (class of 2011)
  7. Ariana Te Wake (class of 2005)

Our hope is that from today many future dreams would have been formed and that our students will see the next three years (plus) at Waihi College as being an avenue to launch their futures.  

It is vital that I acknowledge the excellent efforts of Jo Howell and Vicki Speirs who's collective efforts and initiative brought together a brilliant day.  Tremendous thanks also goes to Tony Kang and the staff at Waihi Academy for providing a fantastic venue and delicious meals.  

This post relates to RTC #2. "Demonstrate commitment to promoting the well-being of all ākonga."  And RTC #7. "Promote a collaborative, inclusive and supportive learning environment".  And ERO's School Evaluation Indicators Domain 6 Knowledge Building for Improvement and Innovation "Participation in evaluation, inquiry and knowledge building activities contributes to changes in thinking and behaviour and builds inquiry 'habits of mind' ".

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