Thursday, August 20, 2015

Know Thy Impact

As a part of a series of workshops on Visible Learning Plus (the supplementary material for John Hattie's seminal work).  This is the presentation that was made to staff in our afternoon meeting.  

The purpose here is to form a collective understanding of the shared practice here at Waihi College around use of assessment information.  

Being a teacher who uses quality data to inform our practice is a vital component of modern teaching.  But there is a genuine plethora of data available to staff and this can create issues around sifting through this information.  

Here is the powerpoint that was presented.  The key points are...

  1. Teachers should be responsive to the students needs. 
  2. We should be self reflective on our practice (are we making the difference - having an impact).
  3. There are a variety of types of assessment - each with their own purpose.  We should be using the full gambit to inform ourselves.
  4. This ties very well into 'Teaching as Inquiry' - which is a core component of our appraisal system and the Registered Teacher Criteria.  

Know thy impact 10th august 2015 from WaihiCollege

Here is a copy of the video that was presented. 

This post relates to RTC #6  "Conceptualise, plan and implement an appropriate learning programme." And RTC #8. "Demonstrate in practice their knowledge and understanding of how ākonga learn- i) enable ākonga to make connections between their prior experiences and learning and their current learning activities & iii) encourage ākonga to take responsibility for their own learning and behaviour."And ERO's School Evaluation Indicators Domain 4. "Assessment activities are inclusive, authentic and fit-for- purpose, providing relevant and meaningful evidence to evaluate the student's achievement and progress." 

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