Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Achieving Educational Success as Maori

The Prerogative of Maori Education

In keeping with the theme of the Maori Language Week here is a post on education of Maori.  The following power point was presented at staff meeting on Monday.

Maori achieving as maori from WaihiCollege

Many of our schools 2015 priority learners recognise themselves as Maori.  Part of our responsibility (duty of care) for the students in our classroom is effectively providing for their (and their whanua's) needs.

Questions that we need to ask...

  1. How am I going as a teacher (am I positively impacting the learning)?
  2. What informs me on my answer to Q.1.?
  3. What is my sense of urgency around this?
[These questions need to be asked of the students as well].  

This post is related to RTC #1. "Establish and maintain effective professional relationships focused on the learning and well-being of ākonga." And RTC #7. "Promote a collaborative, inclusive and supportive learning environment part ii. foster trust, respect and cooperation with and among ākonga.  And ERO's School Evaluation Indicators Domain 3 "Educationally Powerful Connections and Relationships".

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