Thanks to those staff involved in our meeting last Tuesday. It was great to see so many keen educators and innovative thinkers. Here is a summary of my notes that I made on the day...
On Learning and Homework
- Discussion went through ideas of creation of habits and routines.
- The idea of feeding forward and preparing for learning.
- Homework club was discussed (how it's not well populated and that the various subject help is generally taken up by the more able students).
- We talked about targeting homework - is it the strugglers that need it more to 'catch up'.
On the Diary
- Discussion about the battle of homework (students not doing their x tables or spelling).
- We talked about the idea of the diary as a record of learning (not just homework).
- Some discussion on the diary as a means of communication with home.
- The use of the diary for formalising goals, recording results and storing affirmations.
On the Keys of Good Homework Practice
- That it must be marked by teachers (so the students see us value it).
- Discussion on consequences for not having it done.
- We discussed the notion of managing the load of homework for the students (not all due at one day).
- We discussed what habits are made on homework at our feeder schools.
- We discussed the idea of "busy" work (material/worksheets that didn't relate to much in class).
- We discussed the idea of projects and inquiries for homework.
This post relates to RTC # 6. conceptualise, plan and implement an appropriate learning programme part i. articulate clearly the aims of their teaching, give sound professional reasons for adopting these aims, and implement them in their practice. And RTC # 8
demonstrate in practice their knowledge and understanding of how ākonga learn part ii.
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