Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Waihi College Happiness Survey

Happy Students = Learning Students
The following survey was something that I thought that I'd put together after closer examination of the PISA 2012 results.  There was a strong correlation to the sense of belonging and their achievement at school.  Here are the questions that the PISA assessment asked.

1. I feel like an outsider (or left out of things) at school.  Strongly Agree    Agree     Disagree   Strongly Disagree
2. I make friends easily at school.  Strongly Agree    Agree     Disagree   Strongly Disagree
3. I feel like I belong at school.  Strongly Agree    Agree     Disagree   Strongly Disagree
4. I feel awkward and out of place at school.  Strongly Agree    Agree     Disagree   Strongly Disagree
5. Other students seem to like me.  Strongly Agree    Agree     Disagree   Strongly Disagree
6. I feel lonely at school.  Strongly Agree    Agree     Disagree   Strongly Disagree
7. I feel happy at school.  Strongly Agree    Agree     Disagree   Strongly Disagree
8. I am satisfied at school.  Strongly Agree    Agree     Disagree   Strongly Disagree

The web link to this survey is...

Please do take the time to supervise (minimise the "funny" stuff) your Learning Advisory students through this. 

I hope that in a couple of weeks we'll have an idea of where our current students are at. 

Here is an interesting graph from Alive in the Swamp a book by Micheal Fullan & Katelyn Donnelly...

Can you see that the "Love of School" is consistently decreasing (Canadian study) until students start to drop out? 

Here is a little video of the authors speaking on Alive in the Swamp  which was about the new way of digital technology in education (good watch for those thinking of being in the BYOD group). 

This post relates to RTC # 2. demonstrate commitment to promoting the well-being of all ākonga

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