Sunday, June 22, 2014

ART - Achievement Retention Transition - June Audit

How To Use Kamar Interview

I've set up on Kamar a place where staff (ideally the Learning Advisor) can sit down with a year 12 student and go through some questions about how their year is progressing towards NCEA level two. 

This is a pretty big job (about 5-10 minutes per student).  So ideally we want the Learning Advisor to pick out those students that they feel, probably indicated by their reports, may be in trouble with NCEA level two. 

I've set up a slide show that will show the teacher how to get to the right place on Kamar...

I'm available during morning Learning Advisory times to come an assist any year 12 Learning Advisors with these interviews.  The better the quality of these discussions the better our interventions can be for these students. 

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