Sunday, June 22, 2014

Good Info For Parent Interviews

A Student Self Review

This is a review form that I adapted about twelve years ago (sorry I can't reference the original - it was from professional time management review - I adapted to focus on students). 

This is a form that I give to the students and say "you're not expecting to 'ace' this like a test but just to give an honest assessment of where you're at in learning here in this class".  Generally students are very honest and a lot of the material is relevant about trying to forge better links with home. 

I will highlight a few things with parents when I have an interview. 

Here is a copy (a few handed out in staff briefing too).  It would be silly for all teachers of any particular class to all do this - but good for at least one too (maybe kamar out to fellow teachers of any particular class if you have used it).

The original is saved in S:\Administration\Appraisal\Admin\Student Self Review.doc

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