John Hattie puts it...
"Attention needs to move from how to teach to how to learn - and only after teachers understand how each student learns can they then move on to make decisions about how to each." Visiable Learning for Teachers p.103.
One of the most valuable methods of gather data on our practice is to gather student voice. The following questionnaire was developed by Kevin and the PE staff (I've tweaked slightly to be more generic for any subject).
I would recommend that four times this year (this is set up this way on your OneNote appraisal folder) you gather student voice. That could be four independent classes once. Or one class four times or couple of classes twice - no hard and fast rule.
Student voice can be unnerving as we as teachers are putting ourselves "out there". Some students will be stupid and write stupid things (those can be expected and dismissed). But in practice most students are constructive and reflective - these provide rich reflective resources.
Here is a copy of the questionnaire it is also available on shared drive saved in S:\Administration\Appraisal\Student Evaluation of Learning.docx
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