Thursday, June 19, 2014

Some New Staff Reference Books

Professional Reading

Here are some of the latest educational books available for staff in the staffroom. 

One of the best things about having a ready supply of books is that it allows you to expand your thinking about modern educational theory.  You can quickly pick up a few ideas over a weekend of reading and reading more about teaching will encourage you to try new things in the classroom. 

You will notice that several of these books have reviews in the staffroom (and some here in this blog - below).  I would be very grateful if you're taking a book that is yet to be review that you'd take that extra ten minutes to write a review for others.
Registered Teacher Criteria has several areas where professional reading can be used as evidence (see RTC#12 - "engaging with professional literature and reflecting on ones practice and RTC#5 - "actively contributing to a learning community"). 

I would also be very keen to hear if you've got some other titles to recommend. I'd love to see our teacher reference section grown and increase in relevance.

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